Returning to sports after lockdown


One of the aims of the Sports Department is for each child at the school to find a sport they will enjoy pursuing at their senior school. The School strives for excellence in attitude and caters for everyone, regardless of ability, by providing a high standard of opportunities to train and compete with high level coaching for each sport. 无码变态's nurtures the sporting values of good conduct, respect for players, discipline, excellent sportsmanship, leadership and teamwork, learning the merits of winning and losing and, most importantly, having fun. Our core sports are cricket, hockey, cross country and athletics (girls and boys), netball (girls) and rugby (boys) and older children also have the chance to row on the River Cam and play squash and fives. The children have three to four hours of timetabled PE and Games lessons each week, as part of the curriculum, in which to develop their skills in these sports.

In the words of Head of Sport, Mr Gareth McComb:

"The children have really impressed us since returning to school on 8 March with their energy, focus and adaptability in PE and Games lessons. We have done a blend of activities with them, allowing opportunities for the main term's games of hockey and netball but other activities such as ultimate Frisbee, pop lacrosse, mixed netball, capture the flag and other adapted and problem solving games. These have proved popular and enabled us to teach through developing the children's teamwork skills, physical and tactical awareness throughout these sessions.

Physical activity plays such an important role in the children's physical and mental health and we are keen to keep children moving and teach them new skills as restrictions are eased.  It is important that we make being physically active in a school environment a comfortable and safe place for children to allow them to explore, develop, and express themselves again. We want them all to have a positive sporting experience and to flourish this term. We are confident that this will be the case due to the enthusiasm, vigour, adaptability and energy that has been evident when we have been in school this year. Our focus again will be to build on the children鈥檚 overall physical and athletic development and the work done in fundamental movement skills, physical literacy and health and fitness. We are confident that children will have the opportunity to take part in the main summer term activities of cricket and athletics in line with return to play guidance from National Governing Bodies. PE lessons will focus on athletic development and track and field events and Games lessons will see children in their year groups playing cricket together. Rowing, squash and fives and tennis can all go ahead as part of the usual curriculum options on Wednesdays for older children who have chosen them. On a Wednesday afternoon, for children at Senior House who have games at the same time one year group each week will be doing athletic field events whilst the others will undertake cricket coaching."