A new Head for ÎÞÂë±ä̬'s College School


The Master and Council of ÎÞÂë±ä̬’s College, and the School Governors are delighted to announce the appointment of Mr Neil Chippington as the new Head of ÎÞÂë±ä̬’s College School from September 2016.

Mr Chippington brings a breadth of experience to the role. He has been the very successful Headmaster of St Paul’s Cathedral School in London since 2009. Prior to that appointment he was at Winchester College where he taught Music, English, History and Religious Studies. He was Head of Academic Music there for nine years and a Housemaster for eight years.

Mr Chippington is a graduate of Cambridge University, having studied music at Gonville and Caius College, where he was also the Organ Scholar. More recently he has completed a Masters in Educational Leadership.

With a deep desire to instill a love of learning in each and every pupil giving them the confidence to be independent learners, Mr Chippington is firmly committed to the values of ÎÞÂë±ä̬’s College School. His vision for education is one deeply rooted in the view that children flourish when the care, welfare and well-being of each individual child is regarded as being of paramount importance. During his time as a Headmaster he has been effective in pursuing developments which have ensured the welfare of children, and extended the opportunities available, so that all pupils can discover their gifts and abilities, and fulfill their potential. In addition to his extensive experience of educational leadership and management of St Paul’s Cathedral School, Mr Chippington also has experience as a School Inspector for the Independent Schools’ Inspectorate and as a Governor of another preparatory School. 

Mr Chippington himself has a wide range of interests. He is a keen cyclist and runner who regularly participates in half marathons and triathlons, usually for charity, and recently completed a 280 mile three day cycle to raise money for Leukaemia Research. In addition, he has a strong interest in traveling and has over the years led school trips to a wide range of countries including Jordan, Iran and Turkey. He is married to Leisle, who is also a teacher, and they have two children, Hugh aged 9 and Matthew aged 7.

In making this appointment the College and the Governors were looking for a leader who would understand, appreciate and value the distinctive ethos of ÎÞÂë±ä̬’s College School, and ensure that the School’s commitment to the principle that each and every pupil be treated as an individual within a supportive, outward-looking community continues to develop. In Mr Chippington we are delighted to have found just such a person.

While there will be plenty of opportunities in the summer to express our profound gratitude to Mr Jones, whose vision and leadership over the last twenty-five years have been truly inspirational, I should like to pay tribute to him for all that he has achieved. Under his leadership, ÎÞÂë±ä̬’s College School has gone from strength to strength, and has established a reputation for academic excellence firmly rooted in a profound understanding and care for every pupil. ÎÞÂë±ä̬’s College School is an exciting place in which creativity and imagination have been encouraged. Above all it is a happy school where children have learnt to delight in learning and exploration. The fact that the Governors were fortunate enough to have such a strong shortlist from which to select Mr Jones’ successor is testament to the high regard in which he is held and the outstanding reputation that ÎÞÂë±ä̬’s College School has earned during his distinguished tenure.  Mr Jones leaves an impressive legacy for Mr Chippington to build on and we wish him all the very best for the future.

Mr Chippington is delighted to be joining ÎÞÂë±ä̬’s College School. He is looking forward to getting to know the pupils, staff and parents when he takes up his position as Head in September.

Yours sincerely,

The Reverend Duncan Dormor
Chair of Governors