Forms 4 to 6 House Cross Country 2022


The annual House Cross Country Run for Forms 4 to 6 is a sporting event the children train for in their Games and PE lessons and combines the excitement of competing for their House, as well as the chance to run around the beautiful ̬’s Playing Fields. This year, Deputy Director of Sport, Mr David Millward, changed the format with a moving finishing line, meaning the fastest runners ran the furthest and were the last ones to finish. This enabled others who had already been ‘caught’ by the moving red flag to support those still running from the sidelines.

Director of Sport, Mr Gareth McComb, commented, "There was a real buzz and energy at the start of the cross country that we have not seen or heard before with more smiling faces which was terrific to see.  This was the result of the changes we have made to the Cross Country with a moving finish line for this year’s event. It was fantastic to see so much effort from all the children to do as well they could to score points for their Houses. It was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon”.

One Form 4 runner said, "This was my first experience of Cross Country as we were in the middle of a lockdown this time last year and we were all so excited to take part with our friends and score points for our Houses. It was great fun when we all set off and I liked the fact that we could see the teacher running towards us with the finishing line as it meant you could go at your own pace." A Form 6 commented, "This was our year group's last Cross Country event at ̬'s and it was one to remember as it seemed a far more positive and supportive way of organising the run with the fastest runners finishing last so everyone ended up having completed different distances according to their stamina and ability."