Form 1 Play 'The Bumblesnouts Save the World' 2022


At the beginning of February Form 1 performed The Bumblesnouts Save the World by Debbie Campbell, a musical comedy that has now become a firm favourite amongst ÎÞÂë±ä̬’s children and parents. As well as being infiltrated with humour, this play also had a strong moral and environmental message that our Earth is an amazing place and every living thing on it has a right to survive and thrive.

The ‘Bumblesnouts’ are quirky, friendly aliens with an out-of-this world sense of humour who have come to visit earth in order to save the planet from all the environmental harm humans have been causing, even though humans are ‘thought to be the most intelligent’ species on the planet. On their way they meet some incredibly destructive bullies who leaver litter around, an eccentric cleaner and her friends who make everyone cough and sneeze with all the aerosol sprays they use, some hunters who find themselves being hunted too, lumberjacks who obliterate entire forests and drivers who love noisy gas-guzzling cars!

The audience left filled with praise for the performance which was a delight from start to finish. First Form had everyone in stitches with their fantastic acting in the funny scenes but also encouraged a reflection of the moral message of the play – that humans should try their hardest to look after the beautiful planet they live on. The production also featured a varied soundtrack, with everything from the very shouty ‘Give It A Kick!’ to ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Car’, a rather humorous adaptation of the nursery rhyme! The children’s enthusiasm and energy in these songs was outstanding.