Morning Arrival Times

At Byron House all Form Teachers/Tutors will be in the Form rooms at 8:30am to receive the children. Members of staff will be on duty outside from 8:00 am. One of these will be at the front of the School to meet children who are dropped off by bus or their parents and the two others will supervise the children who arrive between 8:00 am and 8:30 am in the playground.  

At Senior House, the staff will be in the Form rooms at 8:30 am. Three members of staff are on duty from 8:00 am.

Please do not, therefore, drop your children off before 8:00 am at either Senior House or Byron House unless you have made a special arrangement with us or, as in a very few cases, your child has a Music or Individual Needs lesson commencing at that time.

We do not accept any responsibility for children who arrive on the premises before 8:00 am.


At both sites, the Registers close at 8:30am. Children arriving between 8:30am and 8:45am should make their way to their Form rooms, where they will be marked in as late by the teacher. Children who arrive after 8:45am must report to the School Secretary before joining their class such that their safe (and late) arrival can be recorded in the register. (See Signing In and Signing Out)