Lost Property

While the children are encouraged to be organised, look after their possessions and respect those of others, we do recognise that from time to time items will go missing. Please refer to the sections below in case your child does misplace an item.

Senior House

All named lost property will be put in the Form boxes that are in the locker rooms and these will be emptied regularly during Form time. All unnamed lost property will be kept in a box next to Senior House Reception. Any unclaimed items will be disposed of on a regular basis.

At the end of the school year, any uniform in good condition will be offered to the Uniform Shop to be sold as second hand uniform.

Byron House

At Byron House, lost property is placed into boxes which are located in the entrance to the Hall closest to Reception. Once a week, a member of staff returns named items to their owners. Parents are able to check these boxes for themselves on any day but please make every effort to keep them tidy. At regular intervals, unclaimed items will be displayed for collection in the playground. Those items which remain unclaimed will then be offered to the Uniform Shop or to a charity.